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Dominance relations of Norway rats in pairs versus in groups
Animal Behaviour: in press
Beyond the null: Recognizing and reporting true negative findings
iScience 28: 111676
Interdisciplinary perspectives on the principle of reciprocation
Ethology 130: 13445
Exploring cultural techniques in non-human animals: How are flexibility and rigidity expressed at the individual, group, and population level?
The Evolution of Techniques: 235-251
Female dominance over males in wild-type rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 78: 56
On closer inspection:
Reviewing the debate on whether fish cooperate to inspect predators
Ethology 130: 13427
The evolution of primate short-term memory
Animal Behavior and Cognition 9: 428-516
Cooperative intentions and their implications on reciprocal cooperation
Ethology 127: 865-871
Capuchins (Sapajus apella) and their aversion to inequity
Comparative Cognition: 173-195
Reciprocal cooperation - Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) as an example
The Cambridge Handbook of Animal Cognition: 343-361
Rats show direct reciprocity when interacting with multiple partners
Scientific Reports 11: 3228
The smell of cooperation: Rats increase helpful behaviour when receiving odour cues of a conspecific performing a cooperative task
Proceedings of the Royal Society 287: 2020232
Rats play tit-for-tat instead of integrating cooperative experiences
over multiple interactions
Proceedings of the Royal Society 287: 20192423
Reciprocity: Different behavioural strategies, cognitive mechanisms
and psychological processes
Learning and Behavior 47: 284-301
Establishing an infrastructure for collaboration in primate cognition research
PLoS One 14: 0223675
Revisiting the possibility of reciprocal help in non-human primates
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Research 104: 73-86
Male rats cooperate according to direct reciprocity
but not to generalised reciprocity
Animal Behaviour 152: 93-101
Reciprocal trading of different commodities in Norway rats
Current Biology 28: 594-599
Relatedness decreases and reciprocity increases cooperation in Norway rats
Proceedings of the Royal Society 285: 1874
Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) communicate need,
which elicits donation of food
Journal of Comparative Psychology 2: 119-129
Spontaneous social tool use in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
Journal of Comparative Psychology 132: 455-463
Experimental evidence for reciprocity in allogrooming among Norway rats
Scientific Reports 7: 4010
Do female Norway rats form social bonds?
Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 71: 98
The transfer of alternative tasks in reciprocal cooperation
Animal Behaviour 131: 35-41
Reciprocal allogrooming among unrelated Norway rats is affected by previously received cooperative, affiliative and aggressive behaviours
Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 71: 182
No evidence for audience effects in reciprocal cooperation of Norway rats
Ethology 221: 513-521
under review
Conflicts and their resolutions in chimpanzees