Lab news

Find out the latest news and updates from our Cooperation Lab below!


10 Jun 2024

Graduation day!!! We wish all our fantastic undergraduate lab members all the very best for their future. We had a great time with you and are really sad to see you leaving. Please stay in touch.

02 Jun 2024

Manon Schweinfurth gave a talk about fairness in capuchin monkeys at the annual Scottish Primate Research Group Meeting.

27 May 2024

Manon Schweinfurth gave a departmental talk at the Vetmed University in Vienna. Thank you so much for the kind invitation and for showing me around - this was an amazing experience!!!

29 Apr 2024

Male rats are more the double the size than females. Yet we found that sometimes females are dominant over males (we even found alpha females in our colonies!). Find out why by reading Miguel's paper here.

21 Mar 2024

Sadie's first first-author publication is out! What a wonderful text about cultural techniques in non-human animals. We wrote this during the pandemic, which was a great way to stay socially and intellectually connected.

07 Mar 2024

We are soooo excited! Our Special Issue The Principle of Reciprocation has been released in Ethology today. This has been one of the most rewarding experiences and a great honour - thanks you to all the authors and reviewers for making this possible and such a fantastic issue.

23 Feb 2024

Manon Schweinfurth gave a talk about coordinated actions in chimpanzees and was delighted to hold the laudatio for Prof. emer. Michael Taborsky, who became one of a select group of honorary members of the Ethological Society.

05 Feb 2024

Woohoo, the pre-registrations of our BBSRC-funded project (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7) are now publicly available! Big shout out to the brilliant work by Chana and Melissa for putting them together. We can't wait to seeing the results...

15 Jan 2024

Congratulations, Josie! Josephine Hugo received a prestigious award for an outstanding dissertation - we are so proud of you!!!


20 Dec 2023

Paper alert! Li published their first first-author paper on predator inspection - congratulations!!!

25 Sep 2023

Manon Schweinfurth presented the lab's research at the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord in Paris.

11 Sep 2023

The Cooperation Lab is growing and welcomes Emily Semple, Emirhan Dogulu, Lauren Brett, Neil McLaren, Siqi Yang, Stella Douglass, and Valerie Pei Zi Lim ! Stay tuned for their findings...

15 Aug 2023

Li presented their poster today at Behaviour2023, entitled 'Reviewing the debate on whether fish cooperate to inspect predators'. Inspect the inspectors if you are around!

01 Aug 2023

A very warm welcome to Chana and Melissa, who joined our lab as postdoctoral researchers today! We are so happy to have you on board.

15 May 2023

Congratulations! Li Veiros received an award for their outstanding flash talk, presented at the Postgraduate Research Conference at St Andrews!

May - Sept 2023

We are thrilled that our exhibition will be opening its doors to the public! Come and explore "What makes us human" at the Wardlaw Museum in St Andrews.

04 May 2023

Manon Schweinfurth gave a departmental talk at the University of Neuchâtel on the evolutionary and psychological origins of reciprocal cooperation.

01 Apr 2023

Amy Provan, Josie Hugo and Shiqi Zhang presented their research project at the BPS Scottish Undergraduate Conference in Dundee. We are so thrilled and proud that Amy and Josie received both an award for their outstanding conference presentation - woohoo!!!

17 Feb 2023

Congratulations! Li Veiros received an ASAB travel grant to attend the ASAB spring conference in Bangor to present her work!

01 Jan 2023

Manon Schweinfurth has been elected to be the new manager of the Ethologische Gesellschaft.


04 Nov 2022

We are one of ManyPrimates and we are an international multi-lab collaboration of primatologists. We just published our second project! Watch out for many more to come.

20 Oct 2022

We published a paper on inter-individual coordination in chimpanzees! This was a fantastic team effort and a wonderful interdisciplinary collaboration - thanks to all involved lab members and collaborators!

20 Sept 2022

Rataplan... Dear world, the Cooperation Lab proudly presents to you ... their lab logo!!! This amazing piece of art, which perfectly captures us as a team and our research, was designed and created by the wonderful Monika Jasnauskaite.

22 Jul 2022

Sophie Harrower and Miguel Puentes-Escamilla presented ratastic research at ECBB in Groningen! What an amazing conference after such a long time of online meetings...

17 Jun 2022

Graduation day!!! We wish all our fantastic undergraduate lab members only the best for their future. We had a great time with you and are really sad to see you leaving. Please stay in touch.

02 Jun 2022

Hurrah - Sophie Harrower presented her most recent experiment at the PGR poster session of our School.

02 Apr 2022

Many congratulations to Nadia Cumming whose abstract was accepted to the BPS Scottish Undergraduate Conference in Glasgow. She presented the findings of her undergraduate research project on rats!

1 Mar 2022

Woohoo, the Cooperation Lab has a new member! Li Veiros will be joining us in September as a PhD candidate, supervised by Dr Mike Webster and Manon. A very warm welcome to the team, Li!

25 Feb 2022

Sadie Tenpas presented one of her PhD projects at the Annual Meeting of the Ethological Society. What a great talk!

02 Feb 2022

Congratulations! Avanti Chopra received funding for her project, entitled "Do children trust adults wearing masks?".