Ethical considerations

The question is not, can they reason, nor can they talk, but can they suffer - Jeremy Bentham (1789)

© Manon Schweinfurth

Behavioural studies, like ours, increase our knowledge and appreciation of non-human animals. In fact, most of our studies highlight the high cognitive and emotional abilities of them. The physical and emotional well-being of our participants is of utmost importance to us. We always aim at designing mutually rewarding studies, mostly because this is just the right thing to do, but also because it is vital to collect meaningful data.


Therefore, we are committed to:

- respect our study participants, regardless of their species,

- apply the principles of the 3R's, namely reduction, refinement and replacement,

- provide the highest level of welfare and protection, whenever we are responsible,

- provide transparent information on animal research and welfare,

- promote conservation and animal welfare.

We have been frequently asked who decides which experiments should be done and whether there are any regulations when testing animals. The use of animals in research* in Europe is controlled by legislation, which differs from country to country. Despite animal welfare acts differ in many aspects between countries, we will try to provide here some basic insights into conducting animal research that is comparable across Europe.


Before conducting any study on animals in both the field and lab or housing any animal for research purposes, researchers need sufficient training to ensure animal welfare. For instance, Manon obtained her international licence to conduct animal experiments from the Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations. This and related courses inform, for instance, about relevant legislation, ethics, animal welfare, the 3R’s, species-specific biology (husbandry, enrichment), animal care, gentle handling, health indicators, management and the recognition of pain and distress. Still, these courses do not qualify researchers for conducting an animal experiment. In advance of each study, at least one ethical approval must be obtained to ensure compliance with animal welfare regulations. The aim of this review process is to evaluate whether the proposed work should be done, not whether it can be done. The committee is often composed of scientists, representatives of animal welfare organisations and ethicists. However, the composition differs greatly between countries. After the proposed project has been approved, the study can be executed. Our handling, husbandry and licences are inspected periodically.


* Animal experiments are defined by taking data on an alive animal, which includes invasive and non-invasive methods. In many countries, observing animals in their natural habitat without interfering with them is considered an animal experiment. Even if a country uses a different definition, such observations require ethical approval in many countries.

For further information, please have a look at these great resources:

Computerised role-play game, provoking your ethical view point.

by Andrews and Monsó about why rats are great and deserve protection.

by Cuthill on the use of 3R's in animal science.

by Richter et al. on the case of animal behaviour research.

of best practices for Field Primatology by the IPS.
for the use of animals in research by ASAB.

on animal testing and research by the UK government.

on the use of animals in research, including benefits and alternatives.

by Sneddon et al. on defining and assessing animal pain.

by the Ethological Society on the use of animals in Behavioural Sciences.

Information on habituation, rather then learned helplessness, techniques.

Information about the 3Rs (replacement, reduction and refinement).